
roll of tape on a desk

Space needle foggy

This is the original

Space needle foggy

This is the edited version

I took the picture at an angle because i thought it would be a better use of the space in the picture have it go from left to right helps with the over all balance of the image. This also helps with making it seem spooky. The first thing when editing i do with any image if make the whites whiter and the darks darker this helps the image to be more visualy appealing and striking. I made that blue light orange because i thought the blue distracted from the over all composition  

Space needle foggy

This is the original

Space needle foggy

This is the edited version

I saw this tree and told mt friends to stand infront of it and i took this. I had a lot of pictues of them in front of the tree but i like this one beacuse i feel like the guy on the right looking at the guy on the left helps the composition. all i did with this one for editing is tighten the curves and a little cropping.

Space needle foggy

This is the original

Space needle foggy

This is the edited version

I wanted to make a surreal looking image but was having trouble thinking of what tp do but I was sitting at my desk. I already had that picture of the mountaines so i just used that one. I brightened the whites and darkened the blacks and tried to crop it so the rule of 3rds would work with this as well as to bring more attention to the mountains.