
roll of tape on a desk

Drawing of girl

Woman Color Pencil

This is something i drew to expieriment with the medium of color pencil. I was copying an image from the internet.I wanted to see how Realistic I could get with color pencil.

    Alien Color Pencil

I was having trouble thinking of what to draw so i drew this. He is an alien but also like a college professor. First i drew the alien then i drew the backrounf i made it purple so it'd stand out from the alien. I also used rubbing alchohol to smooth out the colorws a bit.


Flyer for green book

Moonlight Color Pencil /Brush Pen

I had these really expencive color pencils I wanted to use so i expierimented for a little bit and made this. I dicovered i liked how doing this would work while coloring.


Dragon Pen

I wnted to practice drawing with pen. I wasn't sure this would turn out well when i started but it turned out a lot better than i thought it would. I wanted to make sure there was alot of contrast between the background and the dragons head so my drawing didn't look like a mess of scribbles.


Flyer for green book

Worm Pen

Because the last attempt turned out so well i wanted to try again. Because i was still new to the medium i went for a very similar composition. That being small guy in one corner with big thing in the other. I did mess up a bit but i still like it.